Moving from Adulthood to Parenthood, I discovered that I can get as much (and sometimes more) enjoyment from seeing my children learn, work and succeed as I would get from my own learning, working and succeeding.
I have found the same to be true in my work life. As I moved from Engineer to Manager, Director and VP, I discovered that I could get as much (and sometimes more) enjoyment from seeing my employees learn, work and succeed as I did in my own work.
Finally, as I moved from a company leadership role into an education and coaching role for other companies, I have discovered I can also get as much (and sometimes more) enjoyment from seeing my clients and client leaders learn, work and succeed.
It is in this last capacity that fuels our Practice Programs. While in our Awareness Workshops we get to see the lightbulbs of learning happen instantly over 2 days, our longer Practice Programs are where we get to see the real growth happen over time. And just like when we received a glowing school report card from our children, it makes me extremely proud when one of our participant leaders is celebrated.
Travis Matthews (via LinkedIn)
Travis Matthews, signed up for our 2019 Practice Program one day after completing his Awareness Workshop. He has been learning, applying and working on his own awareness, mindset and behavior as a leader since March (about 9 months!). He has been practicing in a small cohort team and sharing in our practice community. He has also been applying his new approach within his organization. This week Travis was recognized as a catalyst within his organization. We are proud of you Travis! Congratulations!
I have included the full text of his thank you note from a leader within his organization…
Stephen Covey once said: I am personally convinced that one person can be a change catalyst. A ‘transformer’ in any situation, any organization. Such an individual is yeast that can leaven an entire loaf. It requires vision, initiative, patience, respect, persistence, courage and faith to be a transforming leader.
You have been a change catalyst for WSECU. You had the vision for Agile work teams, influenced the CEO and executive team, executed the vision, and transformed the way we work. As a result, WSECU is more resilient to change and able to adapt to an increasingly dynamic world.
Original Note to Travis
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