The ALJ Guide Mural Dashboard - This is the go to place for most information for both new and existing Guides' needs. From iconography to curriculum information to sales and marketing, it's a searchable resource for the community.
The Navigator Newsletters – Be sure to read the monthly newsletters to stay up-to-date on what is happening in the ALJ Guide Community.
Certificates & Badges - ALJ issues digital and verifiable certificates and badges through our partner Independent Guides may use the provided QR codes or may opt to utilize the trainer module to upload participant data. In either case, emails will be provided to participants to claim their certificates. Internal Guides will follow the process outlined by ALJ with their organization for the distribution of certificates.
LA360 Certified? Bill Joiner's
Changewise Leadership Agility® 360 Coach certification program is required in order to facilitate a 360 assessment for ALJ or independently.
Betsy Piland - Marketing & Communications, Guide & Event Promotion, Social Media, Newsletters, Content Development
Jana Zimmerman - Guide Onboarding & Support, Certification Support, Guide Community & Public Training Calendars, Guide Community Events & Retreats, Non-profit Outreach & Philanthropy
Tracey Wilson - Operations, IT, Legal, Marketing & Business Development, Community Development, Program Management (schedule meeting)
Pete Behrens - Brand, Market Development, Speaking, Podcast, Guide Development, Culture Values Tool (schedule meeting)
General Questions? If you're not sure who to connect with, use our support email for any question and we will direct it to the appropriate person.
Onboarding Questions? Contact our Guide Ambassador, Rashmi Fernandes, who can assist you with accessing the information you need and who leads our Train-the-Train programs.
Sales Strategy Questions? Contact Christina Carlson who can assist you with developing SPIN Selling® strategies and may assist with joint ALJ and Guide sales efforts.
The ALJ Guide Community Calendar is the place to see upcoming events for and with the ALJ Guide Community.
Speaking at a conference or hosting a meet-up? Please let us know about your upcoming speaking and other events so we may share them with the ALJ Community, add them to the community calendar, and help promote your talk/event.
All public trainings facilitated by ALJ Guides should appear on our schedule of upcoming trainings. Use the buttons below to submit or modify your training.
To pay Guide fees or to access your payment account, which is tied to the email address(es) you've used for payments, use the buttons below.
Guides may easily pay Guide fees via our online Guide Store or via the specific fee type referenced under Fee Types on this page. Simply click on the item for which fees are due, complete the required information, and follow the prompts to pay the applicable fees.
Current payment options are as follows:
If you have any questions about paying fees, please contact us.
Fees due under the License Agreement are determined by ALJ’s Inequality Human Development Index (IHDI) adjusted pricing calculation (reference the current IHDI rates and country categories on the IHDI page on our website) based on the Licensee’s country of residence. In the event ALJ Content is delivered in a country or to participants with a different IHDI category, Licensee will pay the higher rate between the country of residence and the country or countries where delivery occurs, unless otherwise agreed in advance by ALJ in writing.
If you'd like to learn more about our approach to pricing and the IHDI, please read our blog post "What's the IHDI and How Did It Influence our Global Pricing?"
During the first term of licensure, annual fees are prorated to a September renewal cycle. Thereafter, Independent ALJ Guides are required to pay the annual license fees as described in the licensing agreement each September. Select the image below to start the annual fee payment process. Full payment may be made by any payment method and monthly installment payments are available for payment by credit card.
In delivering public or private workshops, programs and/or other consulting or coaching engagements that leverage ALJ Content, the per-use fees are assessed per leader per curriculum. These per-use fees are due to ALJ within 30 days of delivery. Select the image associated with the program for which fees are due to start the process.
When delivering Culture Values 360 Assessments for teams or organizations, the fees are assessed per instance. These per instance fees are due to ALJ within 30 days of delivery. Select the image associated with the assessment for which fees are due to start the process. Note: Once the license is purchased via the store it needs to be manually added to the assessment tool by either Pete or Tracey.
ALJ is open to considering qualified candidates to becoming Guides in our community. Primarily, we are looking to add Guides in markets and geographies where we do not currently have representation.
Requirements for becoming a Guide have evolved and matured over time. The following includes the current requirements and process, as well as information about candidates Guides would like to recommend for consideration.
If you know a qualified leadership trainer or coach, please feel free to share the prospective Guide Application with them. Current Independent Guides receive a $500 USD (IHDI applies) credit for the following year's Annual Guide Fee if they refer an applicant who becomes a Guide.
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