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How to Set Goals and Achieve Them

Learn How to Set, Track, and Achieve Personal and Professional Goals

Anyone who has made – and then given up on – a New Year’s resolution knows just how challenging it can be to set a goal and change behavior. I’m willing to bet that’s most of us! (Just me? Mm-hmm.) 

Regardless of what we’re trying to change, change is hard – and
change fatigue is real. It involves a heavy mix of psychological, emotional, and environmental factors, solid self-awareness, and often, a fear of failure. So how can we set goals and create real, lasting change? 

Some people make
vision boards. Some journal. Some look to neuroscience. Some use a blend of those – which happens to be what Agile Leadership Journey’s Catalyst Canvas™ offers.

What is the Catalyst Canvas™?

This helpful goal-setting tool got a fresh update in 2024; it is a template designed to help individuals, teams, and organizations focus, align, and accelerate change. Inspired by Marc Benioff’s V2MOM (Vision, Values, Methods, Obstacles, and Measures) model, the Catalyst Canvas™ is designed to create a clear path for growth.

The Catalyst Canvas™ encourages users to brainstorm, plan, and envision the future when their goals are achieved. Further, the tool is designed to be revisited and updated regularly, helping you spot challenges and track your progress along the journey. 

Briefly, the steps for using the Catalyst Canvas™ include:

  1. Define your goal. 
  2. Determine your priorities.
  3. Identify challenges.
  4. Determine progress measures. 
  5. Identify actionable steps. 
A grid with 4 quadrants, labeled counterclockwise, from top left, Why Now?, Obstacles, Measurements, Small Steps. In the center is an oval with the word GOAL

Whether your goals are related to leadership, parenting, hobbies, or fitness, with a little support and some helpful tools, you’ll be well on your way to maintaining your motivation, managing setbacks, and adapting to new circumstances.

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